President Emmerson Mnangagwa call for communities to practice hygiene

The country has grappling with the rise of cholera cases for the last few months owing to poor hygiene in most areas and the shortage of clean water has not made matters easy.

By Tatenda Matambo

Feb 4, 2024

However medical facilities have received a shot in the arm as government has receieved a consignment of vaccines to help curb the disease.Speaking at the burial of the late national hero Lieutenant Colonel (Rtd) Kenny Mabuya, Cde Emerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa urged all communities in Zimbabwe to practice hygiene and also to be on high alert of cholera.

In his speech he said his government has recieved donations of vaccines and he called on all communities to exercise cleanliness. "My government has procured and received donations of vaccines as well as other medical equipment and supplies required to combat this disease ,I also call upon our communities to remain on high alert and to practice good hygiene,'he said.

"The chorela outbreak has taught us many lessons ,especially the need for a whole of government and Society approach to our national development agenda,interventions are being made to improve access to clean water ,overall hygiene and waste managment,'he said.

The 2023 cholera outbreak in Chegutu has resulted in a deverstating escalation of the disease ,with approximately 100 reported deaths and nearly 5000 confirmed and suspected cases.Beyond its immediate healthy consequences the outbreak has strained the already fragile healthcare system and disrupted education particulary affecting vulnerable populations.

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